10. Traveling the World While Owning a Business and the Importance of Copy Writing with Alethea Tyler

In this episode I am talking with Alethea Tyler. She is the founder of Copy with Spice and specializes in copywriting peppered with personality. Whether it’s a sales page, website copy, or help with email marketing, she’s an expert at blending creative entrepreneurs’ fabulous personalities with a strategic scoop of storytelling to help them sell their services and turn their dream clients into real clients. I think you will all enjoy this episode as it is fun, light hearted, but still has great nuggets to take away. She gives us an insight to her starting her business and then we go into talking about how she is currently working full time while also traveling the world. How freakin cool is that? At one point we talked about her writing fiction books and as I was editing this episode it hit me that I have a next best-selling author on my podcast! Alethea is just getting started in her career so this hasn’t happened yet but I have all the faith in her!


Books you should read according to Alethea: The Storyteller’s Secret by Carmine Gallo (business book) and 100 Years of Solitude by Gabrielle Garcia Marquez (fiction book)


Connect with Alethea Tyler



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